Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Choice

This week is known as ‘Holy Week’ - the week that we remember and celebrate all that happened so many years ago - that actually signifies the most important activities in the Christian Church’s history.  The week began with Jesus Christ coming into the city of Jerusalem, riding on a mere donkey like a poor man, being honored and praised by palm waving crowds of people who had seen him during his three year ministry; amazed by his teaching, speechless by his miracles, touched by his healing, humbled by his forgiving messages, hopeful for his promises of a Kingdom to come.
“ . . the whole crowd began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen:  ‘Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!  Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!’” -Luke 19:37-38
Later that week, most in the same crowd would cheer, “Crucify him,” as Pontius Pilate asks what he should do with a man that even he saw no fault in.  What turned the heart of many adoring him to begging for his death?  What is it that when signs and wonders were even before their eyes, they still did not believe?  How could they choose to free Barabbas, the destroyer of life over Jesus, the giver of life?
“And they cried out all at once, saying, ‘Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas. . .’  Pilate therefore, willing to release Jesus, spoke again to them.  But they cried, saying, ‘Crucify him, crucify him.’” -Luke 23:18, 20-21
How many times has the Lord called to me to forgive, and I might choose revenge (even if only in my heart), or apathy – ignoring the unforgiveness deep within me?  How many times have I chosen the easy path, one that feels comfortable among everyone around me, rather than stand boldly for my faith, my belief, and my hope in the Lord’s promises?  How many times have I thought, ‘I’ll do that later,’ when there is a need now – to pray, to serve, to respond?
When I’m choosing carnality before holiness – I am choosing Barabbas over Jesus.  A carnal mind is actively hostile or opposing God.  It’s living to please myself instead of living to please God – a state of selfishness.
When I’m in this state – I cannot please God.  “The carnal mind is enmity against God.” -Romans 8:7
Holiness is waiting, reaching out to me, to adorn me in a garment of grace.  When I choose carnality – I’ve closed the door to the grace being offered and allow the shame of a selfish heart to dwell within me.
I need to daily make a choice – the right choice.  “Set your affections on things above not on things on the earth.” -Colossians 3:2
From the day the Lord called me to be his own, to accept him as my Lord & Savior, to follow him for the remainder of my days; he has given me choice after choice – to choose life rather than death.

Who will I serve?  Will I choose to serve myself or serve God and his calling on my life?  I do not want to be part of the crowd demanding Jesus be crucified – rather I choose to be part of the crowd weeping at the foot of the cross.


  1. beautifully said! :)

  2. how many times do I have to be reminded of this truth? why does the Lord put up with's more proof of His faithful love that will not let us go. so unlike us or anything we could make up! thanks for reminding me

  3. Carnality covers a whole lot of territory, but you are right on the money, no pun intended. Well said.
