Saturday, January 26, 2013

Color Me Beautiful

My daughter received a gift certificate for a session of “Draping” – also known as “Seasonal Color Analysis” – the secret to enhancing your natural beauty by using colors that are complimentary to your skin, hair and eye tones.

She was able to bring someone with her – and she asked me! Nothing like receiving a special surprise gift and a chance to spend a day with my daughter!

I had heard about this process many times and always thought it would be great to see what “season” I was, was I already using the correct – or incorrect – colors, and if this really made any sense.

We met Lola – our Makeup and Wardrobe Color Consultant. She was pleasant, fun, and was absolutely amazing. We chatted a bit about ourselves, our jobs, what makeup we used, and our favorite colors.

We then each had a turn to sit in ‘the chair’ – lights on – mirror ahead and the process began.

Looking at our hair color, eye color and complexion – she began draping fabric across us – discussing how different colors either enhance our look or bring attention to flaws.
It was amazing as I sat there and saw my complexion actually look as if it changed before me just because of certain colors being draped. Some colors made me look washed out, and showed flaws in my complexion. Others actually brought color to my face, softened dark circles under my eyes, faded marks in my complexion, and made my eyes “pop.”

Lola also recommended various changes in makeup; shade of foundation, how to wear my eye makeup, and recommendations for lip coloring. By the end of my session – recommendations actually had me use less makeup than I usually do, and totally changed colors & tints from what I had been using.

Our “seasons” were revealed – my daughter’s being autumn, mine being spring. For me, many colors were already favorites of mine – but I realized I don’t wear these colors enough each day. Colors that would hinder my complexion – wash out my eye color – were also pointed out.

We left with personalized color palettes; color swatches tucked away in a handy wallet – that can be used in the future for choosing clothing I already have in my wardrobe, as well as used for “shopping with swatches.” All make-up recommendations were noted and there was absolutely no pressure to purchase anything from this salon.

A fun day with my daughter – discovering a bit about ourselves and our "seasons" – and of course we ended with a delicious dinner at Grand Lux Café!

How b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Glancing at the Past Year

Taking a moment to look back at how 2012 began, reflecting on the past year at the beginning of 2013; seeing where I have been blessed, where I have grown, where I’ve taken advantage of opportunities, where I've been obedient to my faith, where I've missed opportunities, and where I've been challenged for 2013.

I share some of the most precious moments I’ve written about.  I pray each touches your heart as well, causing you to reflect on the New Year and challenge you too to take every opportunity given in 2013.
Looking forward to 2012 - New Beginnings
Celebrating my Son’s Birthday - Tell the Next Generation
Looking back at the many difficult events of 2012 – I must remember the many Mercies in Disguise - Mercies in Disguise
My responsibility to continue to pray for my grandchildren - A Grandmothers Prayers
Sharing the awesomeness of God - How Awesome is My God?
A reminder to take the time to slow down - S-L-O-W D-O-W-N
34 Mother’s Day Celebrations - A Mother’s Heart
Celebrating my Daughter’s Birthday - A Daughter’s a Daughter for the Rest of Your Life
A glimpse of my feathered friends - Feathered Friends
A determined Nonna trying to visit her grandchildren - Nonna Determination
Remembering the Good Ol’ Days - I Actually Remember
A tribute to my Mom - Mom’s Beautiful Smile
A gift of love from my children - A Haven at Holden Beach
Holding on to precious memories - Devastation and Healing Memories
A challenge to my faith - Selfless Faith