Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Simple Gift - Childhood Memories

Valentine’s Day was approaching, and I was gathering sweets and fun surprises to mail to my grandchildren.  A package from Nonna always brings a moment of joy.

While picking up these treats – I also bought something for my daughter-in-law and was thinking of what to send to my son – when a memory of special times came to my mind.

A simple box of Lorna Doones and a box of Bigelow Sweet Dreams Herbal Tea.

I was hoping this would touch my son’s heart – and I then saw the picture posted above with the following note on facebook:  One day, most likely in a sermon, I will explain the real significance behind these two items that arrived in the mail today, and why my eyes welled up when I received them. Thanks, Mom. Love you, too. {:'-)

This simple gift was filled with childhood memories.  Memories of special moments between a mother and her son.  Of time when after putting his baby sister to bed, we would sit and have some Lorna Doones and a cup of “Moony Tea” (as he would call it).  Memories of never ending conversations.  Memories of love shared, trust growing, and hope being held onto.

I am saddened by the crazed schedules I see most families adhering to these days.  I wonder if they ever just stop, and share a moment, share their hearts, and chat about what life may have in store for their future.

Sports, dance lessons, art classes, music classes, etc. are a part of most children’s daily life.  I too remember running around with my children for activities after most school days and many weekends as well.  But as much as those were important and fun experiences for my children, the memories held onto are from those moments when we stopped – sat down – and shared time.

Priceless time – when hearts meet and love holds onto the most precious moment between a mother and her child.

1 comment:

  1. you continue to be my hero, nancy and your heartfelt expressions touch very deep places in my heart - but i'm so used to rushing through and not stopping to savor the cookies!!! how i wish i had more memories like that to share with each of mine - but its never too late to make some with the grownup ones -thanks.
    love always.
