Although it has been over five months since I actually went on my mission trip to Haiti – I am just now finishing writing about my experience.
When I returned from my trip, I definitely wanted to write about my time there. I returned speechless, overwhelmed, touched deeply, and challenged. I looked through my journal and photos from my trip and realized this would take so much more than one post on a blog to just get a glimpse of what we experienced. So then began my periodic writing – each posting sharing about one of our days. I was not only sharing what we did, I was able to reach into my heart and relive my time in Haiti – reflecting on this amazing journey in my life.
It was our last full day – Sunday – a day filled with celebration for the people in L’Espinasse. We attended Church – held in the Children In Need School building. Jean Simone usually preaches to the people of L’Espinasse, but this Sunday our Pastor was asked to preach. Mark had been seeking the Lord for months on what he should share. Once we had spent 10 days in Haiti, all was confirmed as to what his message would be.
We had a delightful time in praise and worship. The people sang from their hearts, dwelling in the presence of a Holy God, sharing their passion, loving their Lord, thanking Him for the blessings they have been given.
Mark preached, along with a translator, and all listened with open hearts. It was a message of hope – given to a faithful people – encouraging each to work together as a body – grow in the Lord – trust in the Lord – let go of past traditions that take their eyes off the Lord. It was a wonderful service, and we knew the Lord was present with us throughout it all.
Following the service, we headed up the hill to another building - where there was going to be a graduation ceremony for children moving from kindergarten into the 1st grade. This may seem trivial to some, but in Haiti, where education is so scarce, parents are so hopeful as their children continue receiving the education that can open the doors to exciting opportunities for their future. Most parents are not educated themselves and their children may be the first generation of hope.
This day of celebration had been planned, rehearsed, and prepared for many months. Children were dressed in beautiful white dresses, fancy socks, ribbons in their hair, white shirts and ties, and dress pants. The sacrifice of each family to be sure their children looked their very best, only proved once again how important this day was to each family.
The older children also honored their teachers by celebrating in song and dance while offering gifts to each. Some shared what they have learned with us – and some proudly spoke in English to us.
This was the last time I would spend with the families in L’Espinasse. As I sat there during the ceremony, with many children crowded around me, holding my hand, hugging me, giggling as I invited them to sit next to me, I knew I would remember these beautiful faces for many years.
When all was finished – we went into the Tap Tap, and headed for the last time back to the house we grew to love as our home. We had a wonderful Sunday dinner together as a Team.
That night when we met for our de-briefing, we each had many moments to share. We all knew it would be quite some time before we were no longer feeling some of the emotions we were experiencing.
We ended with a prayer meeting, mostly for our hosts, Jeannette and Felix, the Children In Need Haitian Project and Polynice. We knew when we returned to our homes, we would now have a much better understanding of the challenges, both physical and spiritual, they face day after day.
Our last morning was bittersweet. Anxious to return home - yet sad to leave the special people we were priviliged to share this amazing time with. We said our goodbyes to the staff that served us so willingly during our stay and took our last photo of our Team.
I thank the Lord for allowing me to be a servant of His for the people in Haiti. I thank Him for giving me the opportunity to touch the lives of so many children, even if just for a moment. I pray that the children and families we visited will remember the “foreigners” that came one time, to love them, encourage them and serve them. I ask the Lord to bless each one and let them know He is with them always and that each has a destiny that He ordained before the foundations of the world.
This experience will be forever in my heart.