I was able to see the hunger in the souls of faithful people satisfied and enriched. It touched me in such a way, that I was ashamed of how much I take my faith for granted. How often I look at my schedule seeing prayer meetings and bible studies and wonder whether I need to go to all. I soon realized I should wonder if there is a reason I shouldn’t.
We were scheduled to head up to L’Espinasse to hold men’s and women’s meetings. This would be held in the Children in Need school building. All those in the village and surrounding areas in the mountains knew we were coming to pray, teach, and encourage them.
Although most had a strong faith and hope in our Lord, there wasn’t much opportunity for the men of L’Espinasse to be mentored, encouraged and taught on a regular basis, besides attending church on Sunday. The women of L’Espinasse had formed a weekly prayer meeting, which was led by Madame Simone, but the men didn’t see the importance of doing the same, to grow in the knowledge of the Lord, His Word, and as leaders of their families and community.
We planned on having two meetings, simultaneously, in different classrooms of the school. We were pretty certain that many women would be attending, including the women who meet regularly as well as others, curious as to what “the foreigners” would have to say. We weren’t sure how the men would respond to the invitation – but with prayer and knowing this was the Lord’s leading, we anticipated a blessed day.
As we arrived on the top of the mountain, we saw the many women already waiting anxiously, greeting us with smiles and hugs. We entered the school building and watched as they came in and found seats, waiting with anticipation. Some men started to come as well, and we directed them to the room they would be meeting in.
Mark, our pastor, would be teaching the men, and his wife Annabelle would be teaching the women, each with a translator. They had been praying and seeking the Lord’s guidance as to what was needed to be shared, and what message would not only encourage the people of L’Espinasse, but also give them the guidance to take hold of their faith, and realize their responsibility in growing in the knowledge and direction of the Lord’s will.
I took a picture of the men’s group before the meeting started, which was a small group at that time. I then joined the women’s meeting. I sat there praying for the Lord to touch the hearts of these people, to speak to each personally, and build up strong faithful families and community.

Annabelle spoke to the women about growing in knowledge of the Lord in wisdom and prayer. She shared about the dangers of holding on to traditions of their culture, relying on idols, rituals and superstitions of voodoo or any other past practices that would distract them from the truth of their faith. We prayed for the wives of some local pastors, encouraging each to meet as a whole community and support one another in their faith. We asked the women if they had anything they would like us to pray for and to share their needs. They shared openly and personally for the needs of their families, children and themselves. The meeting was inspiring and you could see the encouragement in each of the women’s eyes.

As I sat there, I continually saw more and more men coming in, walking quickly through to the room the men were meeting. Their meeting may have started with a handful, but soon the room was full of men seeking the Lord, praying, and committing to meet each week to pray, encourage each other and grow as faithful men for their families and community.
A hunger that was present at the beginning of this day was truly satisfied by the end. Men and women left fulfilled with the spirit of our Lord, with the hope of his word, and encouraged in their faith.
Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. – Luke 6:21